Comments on: How to Create Consistently Great Content for the Long Haul Content marketing tools and training. Fri, 03 May 2013 17:11:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Andrea Grant Fri, 03 May 2013 17:11:39 +0000 Great article, Beth! Thanks for sharing those amazing tips and useful information.

I agree with you all the way. Creativity is fueled by experiences, sights, sounds and smells. Sitting still won’t bring new ideas in; experimenting and trying new things will jog your creativity.

We’ve recently published an article on this matter, please allow me to share it with you –

By: Rachel Michael Thu, 11 Apr 2013 14:27:10 +0000 Great tips and valuable insight! Working from home, it is often challenging to get into a writing “groove” due to external factors like kids, household duties, and keeping things running smoothly. You have good advice and I will definitely use it! I have found that sometimes the things that keep you from being able to write can also be an inspiration for a topic. Thanks again!

By: Dan Erickson Mon, 08 Apr 2013 12:51:04 +0000 I was blessed with creativity. It seems to ooze out of me, sometimes so much that I’m overwhelmed because I can’t do all I’d like to do fast enough. It’s a nice problem to have. That said, I still have my days where I sit at the computer with nothing. Your suggestions – read, free write, look at other’s creative work, do a different creative venture, and nature – are spot on. When I feel stuck at writing, I play music, read a book, look at photos, or go out in nature and take photos. It works wonders. That’s why my blog has such variety of posts. poems, books, music, and photos.

By: Sam Matla (Passive Productive) Sun, 07 Apr 2013 20:28:49 +0000 Ahh yes, habits. Aren’t they amazing? I certainly think so; in fact I think I mention them in almost every single blog post I write!

I have somewhat of a system, but I’d love it to be more integrated. Evernote continually pops up all over the internet and I feel as if I should make the switch over from MS OneNote, problem is, OneNote is so tightly intertwined with Windows 8 that it’s such a pleasure to use. I don’t own a smartphone at the moment, maybe I’ll have a look into Evernote when I get one. I’d rather go paperless in any situation, of course – that’s just me.

That’s a really well written excerpt there, going in my ‘findings and words’ box for sure 😉 I have a strong belief that anything can be creative (I say anything quite loosely). Even if you’re blogging about finance – you can be creative. There’s no limits.

I’ve used the free-writing technique before, it’s worked well. These days I sort of provide myself with an outline, whether it be sub-headings or a few quotes – but after that I just type as fast as possible; maybe that’s why I get my blog posts done so fast!

Thanks heaps, Beth! Really enjoyed this post 🙂

By: Pawel Piejko Sun, 07 Apr 2013 11:49:04 +0000 Being creative all the time can be daunting, but I agree that small habits are the key aspect in this case. And I have my own example too. It’s trying to get to work taking a different route (or at least with a different mean of transportation) every day. It’s not easy but fun, every day starts in a different way 🙂

By: Annie Le Sat, 06 Apr 2013 18:40:53 +0000 The post absolutely speaks my mind. I am not an English native speaker so I think I could understand this the best than anybody else. I don’t have such advantage of using the language naturally as you guys but I believe practicing is the greatest key ever to the writing success. Keep practicing until it comes as a habit in your blood and nothing can take it out. That is actually how I learnt to improve my English (in all comprehensive skills not just writing). A great great post Beth!

By: Nina Sat, 06 Apr 2013 03:25:55 +0000 I am encouraged to know that other people like me struggle to keep pace with their creative work of writing

By: David Bourne Sat, 06 Apr 2013 00:07:23 +0000 Thanks Beth. This is a great collection of ideas.

We always need to be reminded.

By: Ian Anderson Fri, 05 Apr 2013 22:43:50 +0000 If something isn’t working for me I like to jump into a new doc and just freewrite a load of stuff without the constraints of the surrounding book. Once the paragraphs are edited into shape I can simply cut and paste them into the book and delete the temp doc.

Must be a psychological thing!

By: Tony@WeOnlyDoThisOnce Fri, 05 Apr 2013 22:19:07 +0000 Great tips, Beth! The nature point you make is really amazing; we have an unlimited resource of inspiration whenever we step outside.
